Troubleshooting CME w/ PRI
We recently installed a CME for a customer here in NC and they were interested in learning how they could do some basic troubleshooting and it is a common enough request. We thought it would be handy to write a small blog any of our customers could pull up to quickly look at some info about the CME.
A few things are important to note. In CME, Skinny (SCCP) and SIP are configured in under 2 different configuration sections in the CME. SCCP is configured under ‘telephony-service’ and SIP is configured under ’voice register global’. Since this is the case there is generally separate show commands and techniques between the 2 types of firmware used on a CME.
Explaining CME, Phone and TFTP Files
A really important concept in both CME and CUCM is the use of a tftp server. ALL Cisco phones read a configuration file on bootup in order to get its settings. Things like calling rights, and extensions numbers. This is why everytime you make a change in CUCM or CME you must reset the device. When you make a change on CME on a SIP phone for example, one thing you must do is recreate the profiles.
This is done by doing the following on the CME router.
CME(config)#voice register global CME(config-register-global)#create profile
Once this is executed this literally generated a file that sits on the flash of the router. You can find it by executing the ‘show flash:’ command.
CUBE#sh flash: -#- --length-- -----date/time------ path 1 98981944 Jul 24 2013 21:45:32 +00:00 c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.152-4.M3.bin 2 3064 Jul 24 2013 21:56:48 +00:00 cpconfig-29xx.cfg 3 6536 Aug 8 2014 00:13:06 +00:00 ! 4 0 Aug 14 2014 03:25:48 +00:00 its 5 2006 Feb 10 2015 01:54:24 +00:00 its/SIPDefault.cnf 6 69 Feb 10 2015 01:54:24 +00:00 its/syncinfo.xml 7 824 Feb 10 2015 01:54:26 +00:00 its/featurePolicyDefault.xml 8 4748 Feb 10 2015 01:54:24 +00:00 its/softkeyDefault_kpml.xml 9 4782 Feb 10 2015 01:54:26 +00:00 its/softkeyDefault.xml 10 4700 Feb 10 2015 01:54:26 +00:00 its/SEP08CC68E99E60.cnf.xml 11 4715 Feb 10 2015 01:54:26 +00:00 its/SEPF84F57951AD5.cnf.xml
The files are at the bottom and contain the MAC address of the phone and end in .cnf.xml.
These are in XML format and are surprisingly readable… in times these are even required to be modified.
For example the 9971 by default has a password in its XML file. This password is ‘Cisco’. If you want to remove the need to enter a password you actually need to download the XML from the router, take out the password line, and reupload it in order to disable, since the command is not available from IOS.
You can get the contents of an XML file like this. ‘more flash:<filename>’
CUBE#more flash:its/SEPF84F57951AD5.cnf.xml <device> <fullConfig>true</fullConfig> <deviceProtocol>SIP</deviceProtocol> <devicePool> <dateTimeSetting> <dateTemplate>D/M/Y</dateTemplate> <timeZone>China Standard/Daylight Time</timeZone> <ntps> <ntp priority="0"> <name></name> <ntpMode>unicast</ntpMode> </ntp> </ntps> </dateTimeSetting> <callManagerGroup> <members> <member priority="0"> <callManager> <ports> <sipPort>5060</sipPort> </ports> <processNodeName></processNodeName> </callManager> </member> </members> </callManagerGroup> </devicePool> <sipProfile> <sipProxies> <registerWithProxy>true</registerWithProxy> </sipProxies> <sipCallFeatures> <cnfJoinEnabled>true</cnfJoinEnabled> <localCfwdEnable>true</localCfwdEnable> <callForwardURI>service-uri-cfwdall</callForwardURI> <callPickupURI>service-uri-pickup</callPickupURI> <callPickupGroupURI>service-uri-gpickup</callPickupGroupURI> <meetMeServiceURI>service-uri-meetme</meetMeServiceURI> <callHoldRingback>2</callHoldRingback> <semiAttendedTransfer>true</semiAttendedTransfer> <anonymousCallBlock>2</anonymousCallBlock> <callerIdBlocking>2</callerIdBlocking> <dndControl>2</dndControl> <dndCallAlert>1</dndCallAlert> <remoteCcEnable>true</remoteCcEnable> </sipCallFeatures> <sipStack> <timerRegisterExpires>3600</timerRegisterExpires> <timerRegisterDelta>5</timerRegisterDelta> <timerInviteExpires>180</timerInviteExpires> <timerKeepAliveExpires>3600</timerKeepAliveExpires> <timerSubscribeExpires>3600</timerSubscribeExpires> <timerSubscribeDelta>5</timerSubscribeDelta> <timerT1>500</timerT1> <timerT2>4000</timerT2> <remotePartyID>true</remotePartyID> </sipStack> <sipLines> <line button="1" lineIndex="1"> <featureID>9</featureID> <featureLabel>4002</featureLabel> <contact>A408-26A2</contact> <speedDialNumber></speedDialNumber> <proxy>USECALLMANAGER</proxy> <port>5060</port> <voipControlPort>5060</voipControlPort> <name>4002</name> <displayName></displayName> <autoAnswer> <autoAnswerEnabled>2</autoAnswerEnabled> </autoAnswer> <callWaiting>1</callWaiting> <authName>cstachowicz</authName> <authPassword>clover</authPassword> <sharedLine>false</sharedLine> <messagesNumber>4000</messagesNumber> <messageWaitingLampPolicy>3</messageWaitingLampPolicy> <ringSettingActive>5</ringSettingActive> <forwardCallInfoDisplay> <callerName>true</callerName> <callerNumber>true</callerNumber> <redirectedNumber>true</redirectedNumber> <dialedNumber>true</dialedNumber> </forwardCallInfoDisplay> </line> </sipLines> <enableVad>true</enableVad> <preferredCodec>g711ulaw</preferredCodec> <dialTemplate></dialTemplate> <kpml>1</kpml> <phoneLabel>+19803338415</phoneLabel> <stutterMsgWaiting>2</stutterMsgWaiting> <disableLocalSpeedDialConfig>true</disableLocalSpeedDialConfig> <dscpForAudio>184</dscpForAudio> <dscpVideo>136</dscpVideo> <startMediaPort>16384</startMediaPort> <stopMediaPort>32766</stopMediaPort> </sipProfile> <commonProfile> <phonePassword>clover</phonePassword> <callLogBlfEnabled>2</callLogBlfEnabled> </commonProfile> <featurePolicyFile>featurePolicyDefault.xml</featurePolicyFile> <loadInformation></loadInformation> <vendorConfig> </vendorConfig> <commonConfig> <videoCapability>1</videoCapability> <ciscoCamera>1</ciscoCamera> </commonConfig> <addOnModules> </addOnModules> <sshUserId>cstachowicz</sshUserId> <sshPassword>clover</sshPassword> <userId></userId> <phoneServices> <provisioning>2</provisioning> <phoneService type="1" category="0"> <name>Missed Calls</name> <phoneLabel></phoneLabel> <url>Application:Cisco/MissedCalls</url> <vendor></vendor> <version></version> </phoneService> <phoneService type="1" category="0"> <name>Received Calls</name> <phoneLabel></phoneLabel> <url>Application:Cisco/ReceivedCalls</url> <vendor></vendor> <version></version> </phoneService> <phoneService type="1" category="0"> <name>Placed Calls</name> <phoneLabel></phoneLabel> <url>Application:Cisco/PlacedCalls</url> <vendor></vendor> <version></version> </phoneService> <phoneService type="2" category="0"> <name>Voicemail</name> <phoneLabel></phoneLabel> <url>Application:Cisco/Voicemail</url> <vendor></vendor> <version></version> </phoneService> </phoneServices> <versionStamp>031415933781219A</versionStamp> <userLocale> <name>SIP_English_United_States</name> <langCode>en_US</langCode> </userLocale> <networkLocale>SIP_United_States</networkLocale> <networkLocaleInfo> <name>United_States</name> </networkLocaleInfo> <authenticationURL></authenticationURL> <directoryURL></directoryURL> <servicesURL></servicesURL> <dscpForSCCPPhoneServices>0</dscpForSCCPPhoneServices> <dscpForCm2Dvce>96</dscpForCm2Dvce> <transportLayerProtocol>2</transportLayerProtocol> </device>
This configuration file is really what CME is generating… and may help give you better insight into what actually happening when you configure something in IOS.
Show Commands
This blog is focused on just show and debug commands to help aid in troubleshooting a CME. First we will cover show commands
- show ephone register – This command will show every SCCP Phone that is registered to the system This is useful for remote troubleshooting just to see what the status is.
CMD#sh ephone register ephone-2[1] Mac:8875.5650.677E TCP socket:[2] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 22/17 max_streams=5 mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:9 IP: * 49472 7965 keepalive 11445 max_line 6 available_line 6 button 1: cw:1 ccw:(0) dn 2 number 5001 CH1 IDLE Preferred Codec: g711ulaw Lpcor Type: none ephone-3[2] Mac:0004.F2F5.3834 TCP socket:[3] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 20/17 max_streams=1 mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:7 IP: * 49685 7937 keepalive 2915 max_line 1 available_line 1 button 1: cw:1 ccw:(0) dn 3 number 4004 CH1 IDLE Preferred Codec: g711ulaw Lpcor Type: none
- show voice call status – This will show all active calls and the dial-peer being used on the calls. This will also show the numbers it connected to, and the codec the call is. Also useful for non CME gateway troubleshooting.
CME#sh voice call status CallID CID ccVdb Port Slot/DSP:Ch Called # Codec MLPP Dial-peers 0x16F3 1B1D 0x3FF59A10 50/0/2.0 9803338415 g711ulaw 20001/200 1 active call found
- show voip rtp connections – this command shows every RTP stream that is active, useful for checking any active RTP connections and their local and remote IP addresses. Also useful for non CME gateway troubleshooting.
CUBE#sh voip rtp connections VoIP RTP Port Usage Information: Max Ports Available: 8091, Ports Reserved: 101, Ports in Use: 1 Port range not configured, Min: 16384, Max: 32767 Ports Ports Ports Media-Address Range Available Reserved In-use Default Address-Range 8091 101 1 VoIP RTP active connections : No. CallId dstCallId LocalRTP RmtRTP LocalIP RemoteIP 1 5876 5875 17212 19520 Found 1 active RTP connections
- show cube calls all – This command is a good command for troubleshooting If you have a PSTN SIP Trunk connection. This will show any CUBE calls, and plenty of details around it. Most of this can be derived from other commands separately, but provides a good overview. Also useful for non CME gateway troubleshooting.
CUBE#sh cube calls all SIP call leg info: ============================================================= Total SIP call legs:2, User Agent Client:2, User Agent Server:0 SIP UAC CALL INFO 2 5876 5001 +19803338415 5875 STATE_ACTIVE SUBSTATE_NONE Number of SIP User Agent Client(UAC) calls: 2 SIP UAS CALL INFO Number of SIP User Agent Server(UAS) calls: 0 show call active voice: a total of 2 audio call-legs ============================================================= Telephony call-legs: 1 SIP call-legs: 1 H323 call-legs: 0 Call agent controlled call-legs: 0 SCCP call-legs: 0 Multicast call-legs: 0 Total call-legs: 2 show voip rtp connection: ============================================================= VoIP RTP Port Usage Information: Max Ports Available: 8091, Ports Reserved: 101, Ports in Use: 1 Port range not configured, Min: 16384, Max: 32767 Ports Ports Ports Media-Address Range Available Reserved In-use Default Address-Range 8091 101 1 VoIP RTP active connections : No. CallId dstCallId LocalRTP RmtRTP LocalIP RemoteIP 1 5876 5875 17212 19520 Found 1 active RTP connections
- show isdn status – this is the most important show commands for ISDN PRItrunks. You needs it to says ‘MULTIPLE_FRAME_ESTABLISH’ in order for the ISDN PRI to be up. In my command example below you will see it says ‘TEI_ASSIGNED’ this is bad and your PRI is now working. It also confirms the switch type set on that specific PRI.
CUBE#sh isdn sta Global ISDN Switchtype = primary-4ess ISDN Serial0/0/0:23 interface dsl 0, interface ISDN Switchtype = primary-4ess Layer 1 Status: ACTIVE Layer 2 Status: TEI = 0, Ces = 1, SAPI = 0, State = TEI_ASSIGNED Layer 3 Status: 0 Active Layer 3 Call(s) Active dsl 0 CCBs = 0 The Free Channel Mask: 0x807FFFFF Number of L2 Discards = 0, L2 Session ID = 1 Total Allocated ISDN CCBs = 0
- Show voice translation-rule <tag number> – This is useful to see what the translation patterns you can configuring actually do.
CUBE#sh voice translation-rule 1 Translation-rule tag: 1 Rule 1: Match pattern: ^91 Replace pattern: +1 Match type: none Replace type: none Match plan: none Replace plan: none
Debug commands
Debug commands are used to see calls actively flowing through the router live. They provide much deeper insight than show commands.
- Debug isdn q931 – This is the debug command for watching ISDN PRI calls go in and out. This is specifically for Layer3 which will show you info like the calling party and called party numbers etc. Use this to actively monitor calls coming in and out of ISDN channels. Also useful for non CME gateway troubleshooting.
Feb 9 14:33:31: ISDN Se0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0019 Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2 Standard = CCITT Transfer Capability = Speech Transfer Mode = Circuit Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s Channel ID i = 0xA98381 Exclusive, Channel 1 Net Specific Fac i = 0x04A1323838E3 Calling Party Number i = 0x2080, '3014971212' Plan:Unknown, Type:National Called Party Number i = 0xC0, '9803332323’ Plan:Unknown, Type:Subscriber(local)
- Debug voip ccapi inout – This is the best commands for watching any type of call flow through the router and monitoring the dial-peers that it hits. This is a great explanation of the command below. This command is best used for figuring out what dial-peers the call tried in what order, and if any translation occurred. Best if used in conjustion with ‘debug isdn q931’
This is once again a long debug command so will only show the beginning. On this call it’s easy to see with a bit of time 5001 called +19803332222 and it used outgoing dial-peer 200
*Feb 10 02:47:38.712: //-1/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields: cc_api_call_setup_ind_common: cisco-username= ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields ----- cisco-ani=5001 cisco-anitype=0 cisco-aniplan=0 cisco-anipi=0 cisco-anisi=0 dest= cisco-desttype=0 cisco-destplan=0 cisco-rdie=FFFFFFFF cisco-rdn= cisco-rdntype=0 cisco-rdnplan=0 cisco-rdnpi=0 cisco-rdnsi=0 cisco-redirectreason=0 fwd_final_type =0 final_redirectNumber = hunt_group_timeout =0 *Feb 10 02:47:38.712: //-1/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common: Interface=0x3FF59A10, Call Info( Calling Number=5001,(Calling Name=)(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed), Called Number=(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown), Calling Translated=FALSE, Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=FALSE, Incoming Dial-peer=20001, Progress Indication=ORIGINATING SIDE IS NON ISDN(3), Calling IE Present=TRUE, Source Trkgrp Route Label=, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, CLID Transparent=FALSE), Call Id=-1 *Feb 10 02:47:38.712: //-1/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: In: Calling Number=5001(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed) *Feb 10 02:47:38.712: //-1/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: Out: Calling Number=5001(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed) *Feb 10 02:47:38.712: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa: *Feb 10 02:47:38.712: :cc_get_feature_vsa malloc success *Feb 10 02:47:38.712: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa: *Feb 10 02:47:38.712: cc_get_feature_vsa count is 1 *Feb 10 02:47:38.712: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa: *Feb 10 02:47:38.712: :FEATURE_VSA attributes are: feature_name:0,feature_time:1021097832,feature_id:443 *Feb 10 02:47:38.712: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common: Set Up Event Sent; Call Info(Calling Number=5001(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed), Called Number=(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown)) *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind: Event=0x3F9531C8 *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext: Context=0x2363989C *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_process_call_setup_ind: >>>>CCAPI handed cid 5908 with tag 20001 to app "_ManagedAppProcess_Default" *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallSetupAck: Call Id=5908 *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_set_transfer_info: Transfer Number=, Transfer Reason=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccGenerateToneInfo: Stop Tone On Digit=TRUE, Tone=Dial Tone, Tone Direction=Network, Params=0x0, Call Id=5908 *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccSetDigitTimeouts: Initial Digit Timeout=-1000(ms), Inter Digit Timeout=-1000(ms) *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccSetDigitTimeouts: Call Entry(Inter Digit Timeout=10000(ms), Initial Digit Timeout=10000(ms)) *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallReportDigits: (callID=0x1714, digit_event=0x1, enable=TRUE, consume=FALSE) *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallReportDigits: Enabled=TRUE, Call Id=5908 *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_report_digits_done: (vdbPtr=0x3FF59A10, callID=0x1714, disp=0, digit_event=0x1, enable=TRUE, consume=FALSE) *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_report_digits_done: Enabled=TRUE, Disposition=0x0, Interface=0x3FF59A10, Call Id=5908 *Feb 10 02:47:38.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_report_digits_done: Call Entry(Initial Digit Timeout=15000(ms), Inter Digit Timeout=10000(ms)) *Feb 10 02:47:38.916: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=9, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x4C9D48, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:38.916: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=9, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:38.916: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:39.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=1, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x4D1A48, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:39.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=1, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:39.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:39.316: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=9, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x4D9748, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:39.316: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=9, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:39.316: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:39.516: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=8, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x4E1448, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:39.516: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=8, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:39.516: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:39.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=0, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x4E9148, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:39.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=0, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:39.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:39.916: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=3, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x4F0E48, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:39.916: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=3, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:39.916: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:40.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=3, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x4F8B48, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:40.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=3, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:40.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:40.316: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=3, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x500848, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:40.316: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=3, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:40.316: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:40.516: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=8, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x508548, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:40.516: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=8, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:40.516: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:40.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=4, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x510248, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:40.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=4, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:40.716: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:40.916: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=1, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x517F48, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:40.916: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=1, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:40.916: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_begin: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=5, DigitBeginFlags=0x0, Rtp Timestamp=0x51FC48, Rtp Expiration=0x0 *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Destination Interface=0x0, Destination Mask=0x3, Destination Call Id=-1, Source Call Id=5908, Digit=5, Duration=100, Xrule Calling Tag=0, Xrule Called Tag=0, Digit Tone Mode=DTMF *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_digit_end: Call Entry(Handoff Depth=0) *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallReportDigits: (callID=0x1714, digit_event=0x0, enable=FALSE, consume=FALSE) *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallReportDigits: Enabled=TRUE, Call Id=5908 *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_report_digits_done: (vdbPtr=0x3FF59A10, callID=0x1714, disp=0, digit_event=0x0, enable=FALSE, consume=FALSE) *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_report_digits_done: Enabled=TRUE, Disposition=0x0, Interface=0x3FF59A10, Call Id=5908 *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_report_digits_done: Call Entry(Initial Digit Timeout=15000(ms), Inter Digit Timeout=10000(ms)) *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallProceeding: Progress Indication=NULL(0) *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: Destination=, Calling IE Present=TRUE, Mode=0, Outgoing Dial-peer=200, Params=0x2363834C, Progress Indication=ORIGINATING SIDE IS NON ISDN(3) *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: In: Calling Number=5001(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed) *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCheckClipClir: Out: Calling Number=5001(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed) *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: Destination Pattern=91[2-9]..[2-9]......, Called Number=+19803338415, Digit Strip=FALSE *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallSetupRequest: Calling Number=5001(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed), Called Number=+19803338415(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown), Redirect Number=, Display Info= Account Number=, Final Destination Flag=FALSE, Guid=028DA08F-B006-11E4-8946-A9DD9B8A76F9, Outgoing Dial-peer=200 *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_display_ie_subfields: ccCallSetupRequest: cisco-username= ----- ccCallInfo IE subfields ----- cisco-ani=5001 cisco-anitype=0 cisco-aniplan=0 cisco-anipi=0 cisco-anisi=0 dest=+19803332222 cisco-desttype=0 cisco-destplan=0 cisco-rdie=FFFFFFFF cisco-rdn= cisco-rdntype=0 cisco-rdnplan=0 cisco-rdnpi=0 cisco-rdnsi=0 cisco-redirectreason=0 fwd_final_type =0 final_redirectNumber = hunt_group_timeout =0 *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: Interface=0x22BD4538, Interface Type=3, Destination=, Mode=0x0, Call Params(Calling Number=5001,(Calling Name=)(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed), Called Number=+19803338415(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown), Calling Translated=FALSE, Subscriber Type Str=RegularLine, FinalDestinationFlag=FALSE, Outgoing Dial-peer=200, Call Count On=FALSE, Source Trkgrp Route Label=, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, tg_label_flag=0, Application Call Id=) *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa: *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: :cc_get_feature_vsa malloc success *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa: *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: cc_get_feature_vsa count is 2 *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_get_feature_vsa: *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: :FEATURE_VSA attributes are: feature_name:0,feature_time:1021098280,feature_id:444 *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5909/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccIFCallSetupRequestPrivate: SPI Call Setup Request Is Success; Interface Type=3, FlowMode=1 *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5909/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccCallSetContext: Context=0x236382FC *Feb 10 02:47:41.116: //5908/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/ccSaveDialpeerTag: Outgoing Dial-peer=200 *Feb 10 02:47:41.120: //5909/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_proceeding: Interface=0x22BD4538, Progress Indication=NULL(0) *Feb 10 02:47:44.904: //5909/028DA08F8946/CCAPI/cc_api_call_cut_progress: Interface=0x22BD4538, Progress Indication=INBAND(8), Signal Indication=SIGNAL RINGBACK(1), Cause Value=0
- Debug tftp events – This is great for seeing if the phone can even connect to the router on CME and try to pull a configuration file. When a CME Phone won’t register and I have no idea why I check this. It is also the common command I use when troubleshooting whether a VPN phone is even hitting the routes.
CUBE# *Feb 10 02:46:49.884: TFTP: Looking for CTLSEP88755650677E.tlv *Feb 10 02:46:49.988: TFTP: Looking for ITLSEP88755650677E.tlv *Feb 10 02:46:50.112: TFTP: Looking for ITLFile.tlv *Feb 10 02:46:50.512: TFTP: Looking for SEP88755650677E.cnf.xml *Feb 10 02:46:50.688: TFTP: Looking for XMLDefault.cnf.xml *Feb 10 02:46:50.692: TFTP: Opened system:/its/vrf1/XMLDefault.cnf.xml, fd 4, size 3454 for process 262 *Feb 10 02:46:50.700: TFTP: Finished system:/its/vrf1/XMLDefault.cnf.xml, time 00:00:00 for process 262
- Debug ephone register – This command is good for watching the registration process of SCCP based phones. Good for troubleshooting remote phones to see if they are even trying to register. There is a lot so I will only show a snippet
CUBE# *Feb 10 02:44:33.168: New Skinny socket accepted [2] from 0, sub 1 (4 active) *Feb 10 02:44:33.168: sin_family 2, sin_port 49304, in_addr *Feb 10 02:44:33.172: skinny_add_socket 2 49304 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-(2)[5] StationRegisterMessage (3/3/5) from *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-(2)[5] Register StationIdentifier DeviceName SEP88755650677E *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-(2)[5] StationIdentifier Instance 0 deviceType 436 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: fSkinnyStationRegister deviceType 436 protocolVer = 0x85720016 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: StationJoinAndDirectTransferFeatureSupportMask set disable *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: StationDisableJoinOnTheSameLineFeatureMask set enable *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: StationDisableJoinAcrossLineFeatureMask set enable *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: StationDisableDirectTransferOnTheSameLineFeatureMask set enable *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: StationDisableDirectTransferAcrossLineFeatureMask set enable *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/2][SEP88755650677E]:stationIpAddr *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/2][SEP88755650677E]:stationIpv6Addr :: *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/2][SEP88755650677E]:maxStreams 5 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/2][SEP88755650677E]:From Phone raw protocol Ver 0x85720016 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/2][SEP88755650677E]:protocol Ver 0x85720016 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/2][SEP88755650677E]:phone-size 36136 dn-size 1048 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-(2) Allow any Skinny Server IP address *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/2][SEP88755650677E]:Found entry 1 for 88755650677E *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/2][SEP88755650677E]:socket change 2 to 5 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/2][SEP88755650677E]:DisAssociate: Closed socket 2 while REGISTERED *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: %IPPHONE-6-UNREGISTER_ABNORMAL: ephone-2:SEP88755650677E IP: Socket:2 DeviceType:Phone has unregistered abnormally. *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/-1][SEP88755650677E]:CLOSED old socket -1 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: ephone-2[1/5][SEP88755650677E]:phone SEP88755650677E re-associate OK on socket [5] *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: %IPPHONE-6-REGISTER: ephone-2:SEP88755650677E IP: Socket:5 DeviceType:Phone has registered. *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: Phone 1 socket 5 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: Skinny Local IP address = on port 2000 *Feb 10 02:44:34.124: Skinny Phone IP address = 49304
This can also be seen anytime a phone registers on CME..
*Feb 10 02:46:54.324: %IPPHONE-6-UNREGISTER_ABNORMAL: ephone-2:SEP88755650677E IP: Socket:5 DeviceType:Phone has unregistered abnormally. *Feb 10 02:46:54.324: %IPPHONE-6-REGISTER: ephone-2:SEP88755650677E IP: Socket:1 DeviceType:Phone has registered.
- Debug voice register events – This is the same commands as above but for SIP based IP Phones. I do not have a debug handy to attach, but trust me it works.
- Debug ccsip messages – This will show every sip message sent on the device. SIP is a plain text protocol so its very easy to read. Here is me making a test call out a SIP Trunk and answering it. Invites -> Ringing -> OK -> BYE
CUBE# *Feb 10 02:54:35.688: //5922/F99D45B0895D/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: INVITE SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK148B2015 Remote-Party-ID: <sip:5001@>;party=calling;screen=no;privacy=off From: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 To: <> Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 02:54:35 GMT Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ Supported: 100rel,timer,resource-priority,replaces,sdp-anat Min-SE: 1800 Cisco-Guid: 4187833776-2953187812-2304616925-2609542905 User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-15.4.2.T2 Allow: INVITE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, ACK, PRACK, UPDATE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, REGISTER CSeq: 101 INVITE Max-Forwards: 70 Timestamp: 1423536875 Contact: <sip:5001@> Call-Info: <sip:>;method="NOTIFY;Event=telephone-event;Duration=2000" Expires: 180 Allow-Events: kpml, telephone-event Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Disposition: session;handling=required Content-Length: 253 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 5347 1980 IN IP4 s=SIP Call c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 17218 RTP/AVP 0 101 c=IN IP4 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=ptime:20 *Feb 10 02:54:35.716: //5922/F99D45B0895D/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: SIP/2.0 100 Giving a try Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK148B2015 From: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 To: <> Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ CSeq: 101 INVITE Server: Twilio Gateway Content-Length: 0 *Feb 10 02:54:35.740: //5922/F99D45B0895D/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication required Timestamp: 1423536875 To: <>;tag=80436033_6772d868_a6e90887-0103-44b9-9619-6438410d96d1 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK148B2015 CSeq: 101 INVITE Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ From: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 Contact: <sip:> Proxy-Authenticate: Digest realm="",qop="auth",nonce="f0b41f4e5990d7918855fcd0138b6edf",opaque="8c3a54902001bf260cdb6f43de1b463e" Content-Length: 0 *Feb 10 02:54:35.740: //5922/F99D45B0895D/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: ACK SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK148B2015 From: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 To: <>;tag=80436033_6772d868_a6e90887-0103-44b9-9619-6438410d96d1 Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 02:54:35 GMT Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ Max-Forwards: 70 CSeq: 101 ACK Allow-Events: kpml, telephone-event Content-Length: 0 *Feb 10 02:54:35.740: //5922/F99D45B0895D/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: INVITE SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK148C4AC Remote-Party-ID: <sip:5001@>;party=calling;screen=no;privacy=off From: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 To: <> Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 02:54:35 GMT Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ Supported: 100rel,timer,resource-priority,replaces,sdp-anat Min-SE: 1800 Cisco-Guid: 4187833776-2953187812-2304616925-2609542905 User-Agent: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-15.4.2.T2 Allow: INVITE, OPTIONS, BYE, CANCEL, ACK, PRACK, UPDATE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, REGISTER CSeq: 102 INVITE Max-Forwards: 70 Timestamp: 1423536875 Contact: <sip:5001@> Call-Info: <sip:>;method="NOTIFY;Event=telephone-event;Duration=2000" Expires: 180 Allow-Events: kpml, telephone-event Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="cloverhound",realm="",uri="",response="51680bda3a94064be22ed1f2c2dab514",nonce="f0b41f4e5990d7918855fcd0138b6edf",opaque="8c3a54902001bf260cdb6f43de1b463e",cnonce="A45D4265",qop=auth,algorithm=md5,nc=00000001 Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Disposition: session;handling=required Content-Length: 253 v=0 o=CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent 5347 1980 IN IP4 s=SIP Call c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 17218 RTP/AVP 0 101 c=IN IP4 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=ptime:20 *Feb 10 02:54:35.780: //5922/F99D45B0895D/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: SIP/2.0 100 Giving a try Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK148C4AC From: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 To: <> Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ CSeq: 102 INVITE Server: Twilio Gateway Content-Length: 0 *Feb 10 02:54:39.220: //5922/F99D45B0895D/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: SIP/2.0 183 Session progress Timestamp: 1423536875 To: <>;tag=46559358_6772d868_8a710840-f21b-42c9-b89c-deb9bc65702d Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK148C4AC Record-Route: <sip:;lr;ftag=14F136EC-103> CSeq: 102 INVITE Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ From: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 Contact: <sip:> Content-Type: application/sdp X-Twilio-CallSid: CA5a7cb8131c283cb930b578252deb38c9 Content-Length: 233 v=0 o=- 2106948757 2106948757 IN IP4 s=SIP Media Capabilities c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 17950 RTP/AVP 0 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv a=ptime:20 *Feb 10 02:54:43.532: //5922/F99D45B0895D/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: SIP/2.0 200 OK Timestamp: 1423536875 To: <>;tag=46559358_6772d868_8a710840-f21b-42c9-b89c-deb9bc65702d Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK148C4AC Record-Route: <sip:;lr;ftag=14F136EC-103> CSeq: 102 INVITE Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ From: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 Contact: <sip:> Content-Type: application/sdp X-Twilio-CallSid: CA5a7cb8131c283cb930b578252deb38c9 Content-Length: 231 v=0 o=- 739124530 739124530 IN IP4 s=SIP Media Capabilities c=IN IP4 t=0 0 m=audio 17950 RTP/AVP 0 101 a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=sendrecv a=ptime:20 *Feb 10 02:54:43.536: //5922/F99D45B0895D/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: ACK sip: SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK148D1EA0 From: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 To: <>;tag=46559358_6772d868_8a710840-f21b-42c9-b89c-deb9bc65702d Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 02:54:35 GMT Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ Route: <sip:;lr;ftag=14F136EC-103> Max-Forwards: 70 CSeq: 102 ACK Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="cloverhound",realm="",uri="",response="51680bda3a94064be22ed1f2c2dab514",nonce="f0b41f4e5990d7918855fcd0138b6edf",opaque="8c3a54902001bf260cdb6f43de1b463e",cnonce="A45D4265",qop=auth,algorithm=md5,nc=00000001 Allow-Events: kpml, telephone-event Content-Length: 0 *Feb 10 02:54:46.328: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Received: BYE sip:5001@ SIP/2.0 CSeq: 1 BYE From: <>;tag=46559358_6772d868_8a710840-f21b-42c9-b89c-deb9bc65702d To: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ Max-Forwards: 69 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKaabc.dc6572e4.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK8a710840-f21b-42c9-b89c-deb9bc65702d_6772d868_462274056780253 X-Twilio-CallSid: CA5a7cb8131c283cb930b578252deb38c9 Content-Length: 0 *Feb 10 02:54:46.336: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/SIP/Msg/ccsipDisplayMsg: Sent: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKaabc.dc6572e4.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK8a710840-f21b-42c9-b89c-deb9bc65702d_6772d868_462274056780253 From: <>;tag=46559358_6772d868_8a710840-f21b-42c9-b89c-deb9bc65702d To: <>;tag=14F136EC-103 Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 02:54:46 GMT Call-ID: FB0C1765-B00611E4-8962A9DD-9B8A76F9@ Server: Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-15.4.2.T2 CSeq: 1 BYE Reason: Q.850;cause=16 P-RTP-Stat: PS=351,OS=56160,PR=340,OR=54400,PL=0,JI=0,LA=0,DU=2 Content-Length: 0
One thing to note is that good debug and show commands are often very close to the configuration commands. Also they have done a good job making them pretty readable for the average guy. Email any questions to